Don't Kill Me

You say goodbye, but I say hello!

What's up with everyone? I know, I know....many of you may be ready to type "Where the heck have you been, missy?"

Well, I could say a lot. But they would all just be a load of excuses. And I hate excuses.

But today's post is about social media! Not how it is evil, or how it is to be praised. But how it can truly transform us.

Teens and adults worldwide are participating in the social media craze, the biggest of them (to me) being Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. But why is social media oh so addicting?

  1. You get to show people another side of you, a side they may not see in places such as school or work.
  2. Social media comes along with a lot of personality. We use them to portray to others who we are....and in turn we find out who we are ourselves.
  3. We can meet people who are a lot like us....make connections.
  4. For some, it's a rush of fun. Having a lot of "followers" or so can make someone feel important.
Do you guys use social media? What do you expect it to be like in the next 20 years?? And while you're thinking about that answer, check out my news package on social media!!

And I promise, I'll blog more. 



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