I bet you looked at the title of this post and thought, "Huh?" Well it's true, I've fooled everyone I know recently! How? Well I'll let you see for yourself... Look at that tiny sparkle on my nose! Yes, my nose! It would appear that I have a nose piercing! But I don't!!! Yes, it indeed is NOT a nose piercing. It's a magnetic nose ring that I bought as a trial run before I get the real one. To get some feedback, I uploaded a pic of me with it on to instagram, and everyone was fooled!! Not only did I get many compliments and "Wow! You got your nose pierced?!", but someone even asked "Where did you get yours done?" Boy oh boy was my day made. I probable could've even fooled my mom if she didn't buy it! Thanks to all of the feedback I received, my decision has been made: I am most definitely getting one! It'll be a bit smaller than the trial ring, though. But the question now is when???? I'm not sure...