My DIY High Waisties!

Wassup Dudes?? Ha ha, disregard that.

So do you guys remember the post I made when I was all like "Omg, I love high waisted shorts! I have to buy some!" Well, I went to go shopping for a pair....and they were a whopping $60 bucks! NO WAY JOSE! Then I had a brain blast..."Why don't I make my own?" And before you know it, I was searching through my closet for some jeans I could use!

I ended up finding a pair of Levi's that I bought a while ago. They were perfect, because they were "tummy savers" (which I didn't know when I bought them) so the zipper was longer than usual...making them perfect for high waisites!

Here is my tutorial on how to do your own:

Step 1:

Le jeans
 Step 2:

Take some shorts that you like the length of, align the crotch's....and draw a line with a marker/pen
Step 3:

Use le ruler to help cut le jeans
Step 4:

Cut them at an upward flatters the body
Step 5:

You're technically done! BUT, go on to the next step to see what I did!
Step 6:

Find some tweezers and a needle


Step 7:

Bleach them ^_^! You can either dip dye them, or splatter the bleach across!
BIG DEAL: Do NOT bleach your jeans unless you have some distilled white vinegar!!  You need the vinegar to stop the bleaching process as soon as your bleaching is done! This is so so so so so important.
Step 8:
Rock those babies!!

Wala! I went for ultimate vintage and paired them with a Wonder Woman collectible tee and an American Flag bandana...and my beloved Toms.

You see how high those tears are? That happened because I let the bleach sit on the shorts for too long without putting the vinegar on them. DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AS ME! BUY THE VINEGAR I SAY!!
All in all, these shorts were so much fun to make. I put  a ton of work into them, and I can't wait to make my next pair! Are you going to try these out? Have you already? Tell me!



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