What are Your Thoughts: #StopJosephKony?

Hello my dear blog loves... I'm going to try and ignore the fact that I have been gone for...ever!

But I have some food for thought and discussion.

If you have been to Twitter- or virtually THE INTERNET- lately, you've (hopefully) heard of Kony 2012. Jason Russell is an activist who is trying to make Joseph Kony, the LRA leader of Uganda, famous. NOW DON'T GET ME WRONG, he's not trying to get the guy a Grammy!

"Hold on Sierra, just who IS this Kony guy, specifically?"

Joseph Kony is known and hated for his many acts of forcing young children to fight and be sex slaves. He's so hated, that he worked his way up to #1 on the most wanted list.

"So why don't we just capture the guy?"

Theoretically, no one can find him!

This is where Jason Russell comes in. The point of making Kony famous is so that it's easier to catch him. The more people and places who know of him and the bad he's doing, the less places he can run.

"Heck, I want to catch this guy! How can I help?"

Join the movement! This could be by doing something as small as tweeting with the hashtag #StopKony2012 on Twitter, telling your friends and family, or informing those who just plain have no idea. You can also visit Jason Russell's website, The Invisible Children.

What do you guys feel about the campaign? I'm curious!!!!



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