Walking Billboards?

This is something that will be a continuous topic. I've been noticing that at my High School (and almost everywhere else), everyone is conforming

Now, I'm not calling everyone a bunch of follow-the-leader-idiots...

But why do we conform? According to my teacher, it's EASY!!!

And he was right!
  • Isn't it EASY to buy a North Face...though we live in the Midwest?
  • Isn't it EASY to buy a pair of True Religion or Mek jeans, when its obvious that we are middle class?
  • Isn't is EASY to buy an Audi instead of a Chevy?
  • Some Uggs instead of...Nike shoes...isn't it EASY?

The truth is, in today's society, conformity can't be escaped. We as humans like to be in a bubble of non-judgement. Wearing those $200 jeans or that $100 jacket may hurt your paycheck (or your PARENTS paycheck), but boy doesn't it help reputation.

We literally have people walking around in ALL namebrand...not necessarily because of fashion, but to fit in. The desire to fit is everywhere...from the nerds to the smokers.

As for now, we'll have to continue to argue over whose Uggs are cuter and whose North Face cost more.
What do YOU think??? Please comment :)



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