It's Business!

In the media business, nothing is easy, and I've just learned my first lesson.
Everyone is not always going to be for you, some people will love to see you fail.
Not everybody is going to support your work or think you are the hottest thing out there.

If you haven't noticed already, I have a tab on the site where I promote young people doing big things (Exposure Thursdays tab). No one really comes to me, but hey! Destiny doesn't come and knock on your's vice versa. I look at people my age that are doing something with their life and I offer to put them on The Bridge to Bliss and get there name out to any visitors on the site. Most people have taken the oppurtunity as an asset and you will see them on the page. However, there will ALWAYS be contact with someone who isn't on the same page as you. Some people will not only know that they are talented, but they won't be humble about it either. So being featured on "some little blog" is like...excuse me? Or, "Do You Know Who I AM?!" :)

Anyways!! Whenever you guys come in contact with "Bad Attitude Sally", my advice is to LET IT GO! Focusing on why you didn't get Sally's business will not help in the long run, because God has someone SO much better for your business and your success!

I Love you all and I most deff love what I do!!!
-Toodles! <3


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