This Little Piggy Went to Argentina

As another week abroad comes to an end, my mind is on beginnngs. On fresh starts and ignited futures. The impending New Moon ushers in a spirit of detoxing the bad, multiplying the good, and ultimately walking forward as the best you possible. The Chinese New Year (shout out to the Rooster!) gives us another chance from another angle to contemplate on who we are and what areas there are for growth. In many ways, this trip symbolizes my shedding of old skin(s) and walking into the destinies of a life I deserve. If you had asked me freshman year if I planned on studying abroad, the idea would have been faint, and only faint. I came into school with a very strict path that included overworking myself to the bone, all to the benefit of having some dream journalistic reality. Even if you had asked me last year, my response would've been "maybe, but it's too late now." This trip exists as death to the "it's too late not," mentality that I've been so pr...