The Gap Between "There."

Though I be yet a sophomore, I have learned so much about myself in my time at Northwestern. It's actually borderline unbelievable to think of the difference between Sierra now and Sierra a year ago. Or even 3 months ago. There are certain characteristics, certain inherent traits about myself that have shown themselves to me...thus opening my own eyes to me. I am a giver. I have an indescribable need to fill into someone else what they may be lacking. I help when someone needs to be helped. I encourage without being asked. I go the extra mile for someone else's well-being. ...But, I am reluctant to receive. I'm not sure if it's because I was taught "giving > receiving," or something else (still learning about myself), but when I am empty...I'm not as open to let someone fill into me. It's tough for me to let someone help me or even offer me advice. Even getting complimented feels weird at times. I have an immense fear of rejection. And thu...