Are You Bey-ing Serious?

So this is what I wake up to? Surely, I'm not the only one. Beyoncé has dropped a new album, y'all. The title? Beyoncé. Here's the link: JEEZ, BEY! 14 songs and 17 videos fused together to make an album that no one even knew about. That. That is the biggest news of it all. There was: • No marketing • No single • No announcement • No anticipation What tactic was used? Word of mouth. Even if you aren't a Beyoncé Stan, one must admit that this approach was bold and risky. It also was genius! In the age of social media (have y'all checked Instagram?), what would work better for proclaimed "King Bey"? Jeez oh peez, Bey. I haven't bought the album because I'm a broke college student, but with the use of thirty second previews on iTunes, these are my premature reviews: • It's not her best album, but it's bound to be da bomb regardless • Blue Ivy is absolutely precious • The songs seem kind ...